School Policies and Useful Facts


Once you are ready to enroll your child with us, please set up an appointment so we can best assist you. We will be glad to take the time to inform you about everything you need to know, including the relevant paperwork. You can make an appointment over the phone at 203-791-9000 or by filling out our contact form. We always appreciate your visit!


It is imperative that Parents use common sense when bringing a child who is not feeling well into The Sandbox.  A child who is not well is a danger to both the staff and other children at The Sandbox.  If your child is sick, please keep them home.   Children taking medication for the first time must be given one dose for 12 hours before returning to the center.  This is to ensure there will be no allergic reaction to the medication.

Should your child show any of the symptoms listed below, you will be called to pick them up immediately.  (Your child may be sent home for other illnesses not listed):

·         Fever of 100 degrees or more*

·         Vomiting (due to illness)*

·         Diarrhea*

·         Runny nose accompanied by fever or other symptoms*

·         Unusual Rash

·         Persistent Cough

·         Contagious Diseases or Infections.


All children enrolled at The Sandbox must have all immunizations, a current

physical and be free of Tuberculosis.  Records affirming this must be in the child’s

file prior to their first day.  All registration forms must be completed and in the

child’s file prior to their first day.  Any updates to this material are the

responsibility of the parent/guardian.  This information includes but is not limited

to, home and work phone numbers, home address and schedule.

Your child will be allowed to return to The Sandbox after symptoms starred above have ceased for 24 hours.  All other symptoms must be checked and cleared by a Physician.  Should your child be diagnosed with the Chicken Pox, Mumps, Measles or any other contagious disease, they will be accepted back at The Sandbox after one week. Should a child with a contagious illness be in contact with your child, you will be notified as soon as the Director is aware.   

Dietary Concerns

We understand many children have dietary restrictions due to allergies, religious beliefs and/or personal preferences.  Should you wish to limit or forbid certain food items for any reason, please notify us beforehand and we will ensure that no offensive food item is served to your child.